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Tracking your all-time best ranks

Understanding whether your website is currently ranking at its best and, if not, when its highest position was, for any tracked keyword

Updated over a week ago

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The All-time Best Rank is a keyword attribute, showing the best desktop and mobile ranks ever reached and the date they were last there since the keyword started being tracked.

How does this work?

Daily, when we update the ranks, we check if the latest rank is better than the previously-stored all-time best, and then we update the latter, if so.

We store the all-time best ranks for desktop and mobile, and both dates when these happened.

Where to see all-time best ranks

In the rank change explainer, you will always find the information on the all-time best rank – how high was it and when was it there – to help you further investigate. To access it, click on the keyword rank.

Warning icons are applied to keywords where the current rank is far from the all-time best rank, to help you focus on significant rank drops:

The warning is displayed in the following conditions:

  • If the current rank is in top 10, and more than 5 positions away from the all-time best rank.

  • If the current rank is in top 11-20, and more than 10 positions away from the all-time best rank.

  • If the current rank is in top 21-99, and more than 30 positions away from the all-time best rank.

Your recent all-time best victories will also be reported correspondingly through the Signals app and insights cards.

Note: This video was recorded before the latest interface updates and contains outdated screen snippets.


Is the All-time best rank reprocessed, if you've migrated historical ranks from other platforms?

Yes, we take the all-time best rank for all available data, not just since you've been tracking the keywords in SEOmonitor.

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